In the “War Games” movie, a high school student David Lightman unknowingly hacks into a military supercomputer while searching for new video games. He starts a game of Global Thermonuclear War, leading the supercomputer to activate the nation's nuclear arsenal. Realizing the gravity of the situation, Lightman, with help from his girlfriend, must find a way to stop World War III.
For this project, the focus was on visualizing Lightman's clever solution amidst escalating tension. He instructs the computer to play tic-tac-toe, making it realize the meaningless nature of nuclear conflict as there is no winner. The project unfolds with shots of COMPUTER 1 and COMPUTER 2 playing tic-tac-toe. The tension peaks as the computers prepare to launch missiles. Dynamic shots capture frantically moving sliders, sparking buttons, and machines whirring, mirroring the climactic moments of the movie. Then suddenly, unexpected resolution arrives as both computers render symbols of peace.
This concept not only captures the suspense of the film's climax but also visually conveys the core message—the exploration of non-violent solutions to prevent the devastating consequences of nuclear war. It emphasizes the film's theme that warfare, especially involving nuclear weapons, yields no true victor.