"Don't Look Up" is a satirical film that follows the journey of two astronomers desperately attempting to warn humanity about an approaching comet that symbolizes the existential threat of climate change. The movie is an allegory, criticizing government, political figures, celebrities, and media for their indifference towards the looming climate crisis.
In crafting the title sequence for the "Don't Look Up" movie, my design concept aimed to amplify the film's satirical mood while emphasizing the urgent message of recognizing and responding to the critical issue of climate change. I filled the sequence with lively colors to exaggerate the satire inherent in the movie, capturing its witty and critical tone. Simultaneously, I utilized social media posts to highlight their influential role in societal indifference portrayed in the film. By incorporating these SNS (Social Networking Service) posts, the sequence visually communicates how platforms like social media distract us from serious problems, particularly the looming climate crisis. Overall, this design concept reflects the movie's core themes by blending satire and awareness.